About Us


Podlander Presents is a podcast network whose shows cover Outlander, the works of Jane Austen, Bridgerton, and all the butts therein.


About us:

Allison Shoemaker is a pop culture writer and a film and TV critic with a penchant for nicknames and bad accents. Find her on Twitter at @allisonshoe.

Julie Starbird is a middle-aged white woman with a loud and dirty mouth. Listen at your own risk.

Amelia Buzzell is a retired arm wrestling champion and sporadic musician/actor/writer who's always one word association away from quoting the Gwyneth Paltrow version of Emma. Find her (and her dogs) on Instagram at @marlojunior.


Aaron “Janine” Pagel is an actor-turned-filmmaker-turned-space-economist-turned-hype-scholar with a penchant for bad jokes. He co-founded Podlander Presents with Allison and Julie and spent six long, boat-filled seasons as part of Podlander Drunkcast: an Outlander Podcast.

Bryan Bosque: brown recluse, non-venomous. Tai sun, Dionne moon, Cher rising.

Scottie Caldwell is an actor, fancy lady, and gym bro living in Chicago. She would always like to go to France or rock climbing, and loves her friends.

Keenan Caldwell is an erstwhile lingerie blogger who talks about bras too much at parties and wants everyone to care as much as she does about historical laundry logistics.

Contact us:

Join the Drunkslack community on Patreon.


The Podlander Productions team is based in Chicago, and eager to travel for conventions and other speaking engagements.

Contact us for more info.